Local group Rosenlund Contractors Pty Ltd commenced the demolition of Toombul in February 2024. The demolition works are expected to take approximately 12 months, forecast to be completed by early 2025 subject to weather and progress. Site establishment works were undertaken in February, with active demolition including the removal of structures beginning in March 2024.
In accordance with the Construction Management Plan approved by Brisbane City Council, we will use water spraying techniques to suppress dust from active work areas and stockpiled materials throughout the demolition program. Water suppression will be used during the demolition of the main structure and during the removal of the centre's ground floor slab and inground structures and services, along with the car park asphalt. Material loads transported from site by truck will be covered to help contain dust. Following demolition, the site will be covered in hydromulch to suppress dust and manage erosion, with landscaping around the perimeter of the site.
In line the with the Vibration Management Plan approved by Brisbane City Council, vibration impacts will be monitored throughout the duration of the demolition program, including demolition of the main structure and the removal of the centre's ground floor slab and inground structures and services, along with the car park asphalt. The monitoring of vibrations will allow the demolition team to ensure they remain within approved levels.
Mirvac has appointed a contractor, Rosenlund Contractors Pty Ltd, to undertake the demolition works. Rosenlund Contractors is a local company with over 50 years of experience. They are committed to delivering safe and efficient demolition outcomes across the nation with minimal impacts to surrounding environments. Visit their website to see the landmark projects Rosenlund Contractors has completed over the years https://www.rosenlund.com.au/projects.
Demolition will comprise of:
- Site establishment works including the delivery of equipment, establishing site offices, worker inductions
- Safe removal of hazardous materials in accordance with guidelines and legislation
- Demolition of buildings and structures by machinery
- Removal of material from site by haulage trucks to offsite recycling facilities
- Equipment demobilisation and removal from site
Demolition works will be strictly controlled by detailed Construction Management Plans, reviewed and approved by Brisbane City Council, to help ensure the local community is kept safe, with least inconvenience.
The Council approved management plans include site construction controls to:
- Suppress dust
- Minimise stormwater run-off and control sediment
- Minimise noise
- Minimise vibration
- Safely manage hazardous materials
- Reduce traffic impacts to the local community.
Dust and vibration monitoring will be established to ensure compliance with regulations.
Works will take place during Brisbane City Council’s standard building work hours:
- Between 6.30am and 6.30pm, Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.
- If, from time-to-time, activities need to take place outside of these hours, we will notify you in advance.
- On occasion, large equipment and machinery needs to be delivered early in the morning, outside of peak traffic times to meet state government traffic management guidelines.
A Traffic Management Plan has been developed by a specialised traffic consultant to advise the best entry and exit points to the former Toombul site throughout demolition.
The Traffic Management Plan was approved by Brisbane City Council and stipulates that heavy vehicles will enter the site via the Widdop Street entrance. Existing entry points on Masefield and Kreutzer streets will mostly be for workers in light vehicles, not heavy haulage vehicles.
The Traffic Management Plan specifies that heavy vehicles will exit the site from either Sandgate Road or Widdop Street. Where possible, when exiting from Widdop Street, heavy vehicles will use the most direct route to return to Sandgate Road.
Yes, the majority of the construction rubble and materials will be recycled at offsite facilities. The materials from demolition will be sorted onsite to assist with this process. We look forward to sharing more about this as we progress.
Our highest priority during the demolition works is to keep residents and workers safe. Due to the age of some of the buildings, asbestos is known to be present. All asbestos will be safely treated, contained and controlled by a licensed subcontractor in accordance with legislation and best practice management. Materials will be securely removed and transported to specialist, approved offsite locations.
Our monthly e-newsletter will keep near neighbours informed of upcoming works at Toombul. We invite you to register for the e-newsletter by visiting https://toombulrenewal.com/register.
We understand that there will be some impacts to the local community, and we thank you in advance for your patience. Every effort will be made to reduce construction impacts and disruptions along the way.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at: